Credit: Jen Larsen (Cropped from original)

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Scholarship Program

We are pleased to introduce the Oregon Master Beekeeper Program Scholarship Program. Scholarships for the Getting Started with Bees Certificate Program will be awarded to applicants who best demonstrate how participation in this course will help them further their education about honey bees or support their beekeeping goals.

We hope this opportunity serves as a stepping stone toward a student stewarding their own colony of bees in the future, or motivates the student to “pay it forward” by educating others about honey bees.

How to apply

When is the scholarship application period?

What is included in the scholarship?

What are the selection criteria?

I don't currently own a colony of honey bees. Can I still apply for the scholarship?

I don't live in Oregon. Am I still eligible to apply?

How many scholarships do you offer?

Are there opportunities for recipients to continue their studies in the Oregon Master Beekeeper Program?

Can I donate a scholarship so another person can participate in this program?

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