Jamie Doyle

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Jamie Doyle

Coastal Community Development

Topics Jamie works on include: marine debris, seafood education, local food systems, seafood processing, working waterfronts, coastal Oregon Naturalist, State of the Coast, and social science research.

Tenga en cuenta que es posible que esta persona no hable español.

Expertise: Commercial fishing, crabbing and clamming , Community science

Programs: Oregon Naturalist

Locations: Coos County , Curry County

Links: Oregon Sea Grant , State of the Coast - Coastal Conference , Working Waterfronts Tour of Coos Bay


Based in Coos County, Jamie Doyle serves Coos and Curry counties on Oregon’s south coast. She works to educate county residents and visitors on relevant local and state-wide coastal issues, marine policy, and marine science, to increase ocean literacy, build a stewardship ethic, and engage people across the state in coastal topics. Jamie has a background in marine policy and education/outreach.

Content by Jamie Doyle

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