Patricia A. Skinkis

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Dr. Patty Skinkis standing in OSU's research vineyard

Viticulture Extension Specialist

Contact for commercial wine grape production questions in Oregon (statewide).

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Expertise: Wine grapes , Wine, beer, cider and spirits

Links: OSU Faculty Page , Skinkis Lab on Instagram , Connect via LinkedIn , High Resolution Vineyard Nutrition Project , Oregon Wine Research Institute website , American Society for Enology and Viticulture (ASEV)


Dr. Patty Skinkis is Professor and Viticulture Extension Specialist at Oregon State University where she conducts applied research and provides outreach and education programs for the commerical winegrape industry in Oregon. She has a PhD in Horticulture (Viticulture) from Purdue University and a BS in Horticulture from the University of Wisconsin-River Falls. Her research program focuses on whole plant physiology studies that are designed to understand the causes and management of vine vigor, physiology of vine balance, and the impacts on fruit composition and wine quality. Her research also includes work on bud fruitfulness, yield management, fine-tuning canopy management methods, sustainable viticulture production, and understanding production factors that drive industry adoption and implementation of various practices. As Extension Specialist, Patty develops educational programs and informational publications for the Oregon industry statewide. Some of her outreach efforts include bringing industry members together in technical groups to allow information exchange between university and industry on new research results and innovations. Her efforts in outreach expand beyond that of Oregon, as she is involved in national Extension efforts and the American Society for Enology and Viticulture (ASEV), where she was president in 2020-2021. She currently serves on several national committees, including the National Clean Plant Network Tier II Grapes Committee and is involved with the National Grape Research Alliance.

She is a core faculty member of the Oregon Wine Research Institute at Oregon State University.

Content by Patricia A. Skinkis

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