Douglas County 4-H

Photo: OSU Ext 4-H (Cropped from original)

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4-H is for all Douglas County youth, no matter what sparks your interest!

4-H is a great resource for parents, teachers, and volunteers who want the kids they love to explore, play, and find their own sparks of curiosity and passion—all while learning compassion, skills, and healthy practices. 4-H prepares your kids for a future of learning, leadership, and civic engagement. Volunteering with 4-H is for people who care about sharing skills with all Oregon youth, and passing on a century of learning, leadership, and scientific engagement.

In Douglas County, we serve over 550 youth and have club-based programs in over 50 project areas.

Calendar of Important Dates, Deadlines, and Events

Credit: Marci B Photography (Cropped from original)
Photo by Lynn Ketchum (Cropped from original)

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