Nicole Strong

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Nicole serves as Extension and Engagement Regional Director for Crook, Deschutes, Gilliam, Hood River, Jefferson, Morrow, Sherman, Wasco, Wheeler Counties and the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs.

In this role she provides connective leadership and administration, builds strategic public partnerships, and shapes an organizational culture that supports our exceptional and dedicated employees, all aligned with our vision for inclusive, innovative, and responsive service.

Nicole served as part of the OSU Extension Service Forestry and Natural Resources Program from 2004-2019 in several capacities, including creating a national Women Owning Woodlands Network and coordinating our statewide Master Woodland Manager volunteer program, facilitating multi-stakeholder conversations around public forest lands restoration and community fire resilience, and developing several programs targeting wildlife habitat enhancement. Nicole has an M.S. in Forest Resources from Pennsylvania State University, a B.S. in Wildlife Sciences from Purdue University, and served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Guatemala.

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