Club Marketing
Ready to show off your 4-H club? Grab these marketing tools and let your community know what makes your club awesome! From posters to social media tips, we've got everything you need to spread the word and grow your 4-H family!
Clubs and County 4-H Associations often create marketing materials to support fundraising, recruitment, and meetings. We're so grateful for this support and want to make sure you have all the tools you need to be successful. Below, you'll find guidelines, resources, and Canva templates to use in your marketing and recruitment efforts.
With any questions, concerns, or needs, reach out to the 4-H External Communications Coordinator, Ashton Robertson, at [email protected] or 541-737-7428.
Frequently Asked Questions
Use of the 4-H Emblem
For clubs, volunteers, associations
A presentation on how to use the 4-H emblem is available here.
Basic guidelines are:
- Don't edit or cover the 4-H emblem in any way.
- Don't put the 4-H emblem on materials with religious or political symbols or language.
For businesses and partner organizations
Commercial vendors, private organizations, or other entities need to contact the OSU Extension 4-H office or Oregon 4-H Foundation to determine what steps they need to take to use the 4-H Name and Emblem. Any use must follow these guidelines:
- Educational Purpose: The use must support the educational and character-building goals of the 4-H Program.
- Best Interest: The use must serve the best interests of the 4-H Program.
- Dignified Use: The use must align with the dignity and values of the 4-H Program.
- Control: The use must be manageable by the Extension office.
- Time-Specific: The authorization is for a defined time period.
- Graphic Guidelines: The use must comply with 4-H's graphic standards. This means using the current 4-H emblem
Who regulates the 4-H Name and Emblem?
The 4-H Youth Development Program is the educational and outreach arm of the Cooperative Extension Services at land-grant institutions and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). These programs help land-grant institutions fulfill their responsibilities under the Smith-Lever Act (7 U.S. Code 341).
The U.S. Congress has entrusted the Secretary of Agriculture with the management of the 4-H Name and Emblem. This authority is delegated to 4-H National Headquarters, which is part of the Division of Youth and 4-H within USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA).
Printed Materials
Use the Canva template below to get some guidelines for flyers, brochures, handbooks, and other printed materials.
The big picture rules are:
1. Include the OSU logo and the current 4-H logo. They should be the same size. An example footer is shown below.
2. Include the legally-required accessibility/nondiscrimination statement: OSU Extension Service prohibits discrimination in all its programs, services, activities and materials. Accessibility accommodations will be made upon request. Contact:
3. Include contact information for accommodations. This should be your local Extension office, 4-H faculty/staff, or the state 4-H program.
Some additional best practices:
- Don't overcrowd the page: you don't need every piece of information in print. Give the reader an overview and let them reach out or go to a website for more information.
- Use legible fonts. Scripts and "handwritten" fonts are difficult for many people to read.
- Use OSU's color palette and true 4-H Green (Hex #339966, CMYK: 100-0-90-0, RGB: 51-153-102, Pantone PMS 347)
Social Media
Q: Can I promote 4-H on social media?
A: Yes, absolutely!
You are very welcome to share your upcoming events, fundraisers, and service projects on social media in the support of 4-H! The most effective ways to share on social media are by taking a quick photo or video of yourself or your club members talking about the event.
It's fun to create graphics, but photos of real 4-H'ers will get you more engagement and reach. Just make sure they've signed the media release!
Oregon 4-H'ers are offered OSU's media release when enrolling in 4-H or registering for an event. Guardians of those who don't want their photo taken sign a media opt-out instead. Before posting a photo of any youth, ask them if it's ok, or check their photo forms with your local 4-H Program Coordinator or extension office.
Q: Do I need to put the Oregon 4-H logos on all my social media posts?
A: No, not at all.
Social media posts are often photos, videos, graphics, animations, text, or links. You don't need to include the 4-H emblem or OSU logo on your posts. Instead, tag Oregon 4-H or your local 4-H program to ensure they can repost and share your content.
Facebook: @Oregon4h
Instagram: @OregonState4h
We don't currently maintain a Twitter/X, Threads, SnapChat, TikTok, or any other social media except YouTube.
Q: Can I make a Facebook page or group for my club?
A: Yes, but you must invite 4-H employees or official 4-H pages to be fellow admins of the group or page.
All Oregon 4-H club pages and groups should have two employee admins. This helps ensure everyone's safety, accurate information, and continuation of the page in case of turnover.
If you have inherited or would like to start a page or group for your 4-H club, reach out to your local 4-H Program Coordinator. Not all 4-H faculty use social media. You can also reach out to Ashton Robertson, Oregon 4-H Communications Coordinator, to get someone on your page.
If a local business sponsors, donates, or endorses 4-H, and you'd like to acknowledge that, you can use the following disclaimer to clarify why you're sharing one product over another.
Business sponsorships & donations:
“_______________ is a sponsor/donor of the Oregon 4-H Youth Development program and has provided funding, goods, or services in support of 4-H. Acceptance of this sponsorship/donation does not imply endorsement by 4-H of any firm, product, or service.”
For fundraising:
“No endorsement of the product or service by 4-H is implied or intended. Profit from this fundraiser will be used to support 4-H educational programs.”
For presentations and publications:
Use on any publication or PowerPoint that refers to specific products or services by name.
"Trade-name products and services are mentioned as illustrations only. This does not mean that the Oregon State University Extension Service either endorses these products and services or intends to discriminate against products and services not mentioned."
Spanish version:
"Los productos y servicios de nombre comercial se mencionan únicamente como ejemplos. Esto no significa que el Servicio de Extensión de Oregon State University respalda estos productos y servicios o tiene la intención de discriminar productos y servicios no mencionados."
Accessibility Statements
Accommodation requests related to a disability should be made by [specific date] to [contact person, phone number, and email address].
This publication will be made available in an accessible alternative format upon request. Please contact [contact person, phone number, and email address].
Declaraciones de Accesibilidad
Las solicitudes de alojamiento relacionadas con una discapacidad deben realizarse antes del [fecha específica] a [persona, número de teléfono de contacto y dirección de correo electrónico].
Esta publicación estará disponible en un formato alternativo accesible bajo petición. Póngase en contacto con [persona de contacto, número de teléfono y dirección de correo electrónico].
For more information, see OSU's Accessibility website.
Statements for Oregon 4-H flyers, brochures, and all event promotional materials:
Non-discrimination Statement
Oregon State University Extension Service prohibits discrimination in all its programs, services, activities and materials on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, familial/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, genetic information, veteran’s status, reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)
When space is limited, this short version may be used:
OSU Extension Service prohibits discrimination in all its programs, services, activities and materials.
Partner Assurance of Non-discrimination Form
In compliance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and subsequent rules and regulations, the Oregon State University Extension Service must have written evidence that it does not conduct programs for, nor cooperate in conducting programs with, any public or private agency, organization, or group that does not adhere to federal non-discrimination standards.