Dr. Marina Denny provides leadership for driving university-wide, community engaged scholarship and community engagement best practices. She works closely with the Associate Director for Extension to support the role of Extension and Engagement within the university, Oregon communities, regionally and internationally. This includes seeking opportunities for greater collaboration and integration across colleges and divisions, while engaging community partners and stakeholders in developing reciprocal and mutually beneficial solutions to real-world issues.
Marina joined OSU in 2022 from her role as associate professor and Extension specialist in program and staff development in the School of Human Sciences at Mississippi State University. She previously served as a county faculty and county Extension director for the University of Florida and has served her universities and the profession on local, regional and national boards and committees. Marina has a B.S. in wildlife ecology and conservation and an M.A.Ed. in environmental education curriculum and instruction, both from the University of Florida. She earned an organizational leadership in 2007 from Nova Southeastern University.
In her more than 20 years working for land grant universities, Marina has led diverse teams, managed community volunteers, facilitated strategic planning endeavors and collaborated with peers and senior leadership to identify policy changes and training needs. Marina is always seeking opportunities for innovation, risk-taking and collaboration to identify strategies to drive transformative change.