Photo Credit: Chadin - Adobe Stock (Cropped from original)
Photo Credit: Julia - Adobe Stock (Cropped from original)
Photo Credit: Manny Becerra - (Cropped from original)
By Gene J. Pirelli Dale W. Weber Scott Duggan Melissa Fery and Nathan Parker
You can keep your pigs healthy and gaining weight by following some key recommendations. In this publication you'll learn about housing, feeding, and health considerations when raising feeder pigs, both for a traditional system and a pasture or free-range system. You'll also learn about hazelnuts in swine rations and using hovers in a swine operation.
By Charles Estill
This presentation was presented by Dr. Estill at the Oregon Pork Producers Spring Conference about Care of Newborn Pigs and Post Farrowing Sows.
By Shelby Filley
This 2021 presentation shows examples of slaughter swine and carcasses to go along with the official USDA descriptions from their websites on Slaughter Swine and Carcass Grades.