We’re making a difference in what matters to your community
OSU Extension partners with local communities to provide trusted expertise and science-based knowledge to address critical issues and help every Oregonian thrive. We are committed to creating positive change through programs and providing spaces where each person feels safe and welcome.
The power of OSU Extension Service
Oregon State University’s strategic plan calls for innovative, collaborative work to support widely shared economic, social and environmental prosperity across Oregon and beyond. For OSU Extension and our community collaborators, that’s always been and always will be our mission. The amazing Extension work happens every day across the state. OSU Extension, put simply, is people working together to help Oregon thrive. We hope you’ll join us in sharing the stories of OSU Extension in your community.
Latest Extension stories
Read and share these stories of Extension's work with communities across Oregon.
Healthy communities and economies
Resilient and productive forests and natural ecosystems
Sustainable agriculture, food systems, and gardening
Thriving youth, individuals and families
Thriving together
Extension is one of three OSU Statewide Public Service programs that serve Oregon’s diverse landscapes and communities. We learn with and from those who are most impacted by Oregon’s most pressing issues. We are building bridges among our state’s communities around shared goals and values that result in real solutions.
OSU Extension reach and impact
Out there serving Oregon; here for you
Building resiliency and creating positive change for Oregonians.
it's out there Oregon State University
Extension provides information and
expertise to help meet local challenges
and help every Oregonian thrive it's out
there and to find it you start here
(Video in English)