Photo Credit: Danita Delimont - Adobe Stock (Cropped from original)
Photo Credit: David Gales - Adobe Stock (Cropped from original)
By Lauren Grand Alicia Christiansen Francisca Belart Tamara L. Cushing Chris C. Schnepf and Kelsey Ketcheson
Selling logs is one of the most important decisions a landowner can face. This curriculum package for forestry educators brings together consulting foresters, log buyers and loggers to teach participants how to get a fair deal for their timber, how to protect themselves from exposure to unnecessary liability and how to make sure their property looks the way they want it to when the operation is done.
By Francisca Belart and Steve Bowers
Timber harvest presents challenges for woodland owners with small acreages. Planning the harvest, working with contractors and selling the logs are tasks that can seem intimidating. Here's how to make a plan, find help and avoid pitfalls —while keeping costs down and increasing revenue.