Photo Credit: Alyson Yates (Cropped from original)
Photo Credit: Onebit - Adobe Stock (Cropped from original)
The Master Gardener™ program educates Oregonians about the art and science of growing and caring for plants. This program also facilitates the training of a highly educated group of volunteers, who extend sustainable gardening information to their communities through education and outreach programs.
By Signe Danler, Andony Melathopoulos, Neil Bell, Amy Jo Detweiler, Nicole Sanchez and Heather Stoven
A recording of a webinar touring through two new OSU guides to help you garden for pollinators and then ask questions of all the authors. We covered everything from what shrubs to plant, how to use mason bees and more!
This collection lists trees and shrubs in Oregon, organized by showy flowers, fruit and fall colors. This is a great resource for designing a garden or landscape.