Nellie Oehler
SP 50-921 | Revised January 2025

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Quick facts

  • The leaves, flowers and seeds of herbs are used to flavor foods.
  • The flavor comes from oils in the cell walls of the plants. Chopping or grinding breaks the cell walls and releases the flavor.
  • Dried herbs can be stored effectively for up to one year in a cool, dry, dark place.
  • Drying herbs at too high a temperature can cause flavor loss.

Harvesting herbs

The best time to harvest herbs for drying is just before the flowers first open (the bursting bud stage). Gather herbs in the early morning after the dew has evaporated to minimize wilting. Avoid bruising the leaves. They should not lie in the sun or unattended after harvesting.

Label the herbs to be dried when you pick them because after they are dried many herbs look alike. Rinse the herbs in cool water and gently shake to remove excess moisture. Discard all bruised, soiled or imperfect leaves and stems.

Drying herbs

There are several methods that can be used for drying herbs successfully. It’s important to keep the temperature low. High temperatures will cause flavor loss.


Dehydrator drying is a fast and easy way to dry high quality herbs because temperature and air circulation can be controlled. Pre-heat dehydrator with the thermostat set to 95°F to 115°F. In areas with higher humidity, temperatures as high as 125°F may be needed.

After rinsing under cool, running water and shaking to remove excess moisture, place the herbs in a single layer on dehydrator trays. Drying times may vary from 1 to 4 hours. Check periodically. Herbs are dry when they crumble and stems break when bent. Check your dehydrator instruction booklet for specific details.

Microwave drying

Note: Do not use paper towels made from recycled paper; they often contain scraps of metal that can arc and catch fire.

Microwave ovens are a fast way to dry herbs if you only have a small quantity. Never dry more than 1-2 cups at a time. Layer the herbs in a single layer between two sheets of plain white paper towels. Check your owner’s manual for recommended times for drying herbs.

A general guide for drying 1 cup of herbs is to cook on high for 1-2 minutes. Stir the herbs every 30 seconds after the first minute until almost dry and then let them finish drying at room temperature. Herbs commonly dried in the microwave are parsley, celery leaves, chives, thyme, and sage.

Air drying

For hardy herbs

The sturdier herbs such as sage, thyme, rosemary, summer savory, cilantro and parsley are the easiest to dry. They can be tied into small bundles and air dried. Air drying outdoors is often possible; however, better color and flavor retention usually results from drying indoors.

Tender-leaf herbs

Basil, tarragon, lemon balm and the mints have high moisture content and will mold if not dried quickly.

  1. Tie the herbs together in small bunches (large amounts will mold)
  2. Hang inside a paper bag with vent holes cut in the top and side of the bag.
  3. Close the top with a rubber band.
  4. Place where air currents will circulate through the bag.
  5. Any leaves and seeds that fall off will be caught in the bottom of the bag.

A good place to hang herbs to dry is in an attic, kitchen or any warm location with air circulation.

The herbs can also be placed on a layer of paper towels on a tray to dry. It will usually take 5-10 days to air-dry. This works well for drying leaves such as bay, mint and sage leaves. This method will dry the leaves flat and keep the color.

Sun drying is not recommended because it will affect the color and flavor of the herb.

Test for doneness

Herbs are dry when they crumble easily between the fingers. The stems should be brittle and break when bent and the leaves and seeds should fall from the stems. Dried leaves may be left whole and crumpled as used, or coarsely crumpled before storage. Husks can be removed from seeds by rubbing the seeds between the hands and blowing away the chaff.


Place dried herbs in an airtight container and store in a cool, dark, dry location for optimum flavor and color. For best flavor, use within six months to one year. Dried herbs can also be stored in airtight containers in the freezer.

Crushing or grinding herbs and seeds for storage increases the loss of aroma and flavor. Whole seeds and leaves have the longest shelf life; ground has the shortest. For the fullest flavor, crush or grind just before using.

Using herbs

Dried herbs are usually 3 to 4 times stronger than the fresh herbs. To substitute dried herbs in a recipe that calls for fresh herbs, use 1/4 to 1/3 of the amount listed in the recipe.

Herbs should be used to complement the flavor of food. To substitute one for another, use these amounts as guidelines: ¼ teaspoon powdered herb = 1 teaspoon dried herb = 1 tablespoon chopped fresh herb.

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Source: OSU Master Food Preserver Program

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