Tree School Online library
Our Tree School Online series ran from March 2020 - April 2022 featuring 52 webinars of favorite Tree School classes. Check out this Tree School Online library for a wide variety of learning opportunities, including webinar recordings and resources from instructors.
Each Tree School Online webinar recording includes resources from instructors and a video of the webinar.
Business & Planning
- Choosing the right forestry professionals
- Forest carbon for the family forest owner
- Forest management plan writing for tree farmers
- Forest sustainability and certification
- Free online forestry planning
- Making maps for management planning
- Oregon's forest protection laws
- Overcoming reforestation challenges
- Thinking about the future of your forest: passing it onto the next owner
- Your property taxes and your forest land
Christmas Trees
- Christmas tree experimenting: what’s new and what stays the same after 40 years
- Christmas tree research update, 2020
- Carbon in Oregon's managed forests
- COVID-19 and the Oregon forest sector
- Landowner incentives and resources
- Native trees of western Oregon
- Trees on the move: migration of tree species in response to climate change
- Best practices of managing logging slash piles and burning
- Biology and management of Oregon white oak
- Biology and management of western redcedar
- Forest management methods (silviculture)
- Healthy streams: a family’s journey toward fish habitat restoration
- Introduction to small woodland management
- Managing for beneficial understory vegetation
- Managing to keep your forest healthy
- Pruning timber and landscape trees for quality health
- Replanting your forest after timber harvest or wildfire
- So you want to plant some trees
- Spacing & thinning of young stands
- Using nature as a model for forest management
- Woodland roads: are you ready for the winter?
Pest & Weeds
- Insects in the trees: pests or non-pests?
- Managing root and butt rot of conifers
- Wind, rain and dead tanoak: sudden oak death in Oregon
Special Products
- Commercial truffle cultivation in western Oregon
- Diamonds under the Douglas-fir
- Goods from the woods
- Making shiitake happen
Tools, Equipment, & Safety
- Managing your forest with fire in mind - part 1
- Managing your forest with fire in mind - part 2
- Prescribed fire in Oregon
- Replanting your forest after timber harvest or wildfire
- Wildfire in your forest future and what you can do about it
Oregon State University Extension Service prohibits discrimination in all its programs, services, activities, and materials on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, familial/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, genetic information, veteran’s status, reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)
Thank you to our partners!
Tree School Online was produced in collaboration by OSU Extension Forestry and Natural Resources with Oregon Forest Resources Institute (OFRI) and the Partnership for Forestry Education.
Contact Tree School
425 Southwest 26th Street
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States