Ecoregion Field Courses
Ecoregion field courses give you a deeper understanding and appreciation for the ecologically distinct areas that make Oregon unique.
The courses occur mainly in the field, are held at various locations around Oregon and give you an placebased experience as you learn.
We recommended taking the online course before starting an ecoregion field course.
Columbia Gorge
We will be offering a Columbia Gorge field course in 2024. Registration is limited to 20 participants and priority will be given to those who live within the Columbia Gorge and those who have waited longest to take a field course.
For more information:
Apply for the 2024 Columbia Gorge Field Course
The dates for this course are:
- Session 1: April 14 - Sense of Place at The Gorge Discovery Center (or April 28)
- Session 2: April 28 - Oak Woodlands
- Session 3: May 19 - Grasslands
- Session 4: June 2 - Rivers
- Session 5: July 14 or July 21 - Western Gorge
- Session 6: Sept 8 or Sept 15 - Mt. Adams
- Session 7: Oct 6 - Capstone at the Gorge Discovery Center
This course requires an application. Priority is given to Columbia Gorge residents, but everyone can apply.
North Willamette Valley - Portland Area
For 2024 the field course is split into spring and fall field days. Optional skill building workshops will be offered to course participants June - September. Those not in the ecoregion course will be welcome to register for a skill building workshop for a small fee.
Applications are no longer being taken for 2024
Registration for the North Willamette Valley Field Course has closed.
We look forward to your application in 2025!
2024 Course Dates:
Session 1: April 27
Session 2: May 3
Session 3: May 13
Session 4: October 12
Session 5: October 20
Session 6: November 16
Course will also include Zoom sessions (dates TBA) and optional skill-building workshops from June - September.
Mid-Willamette Valley
Planning is currently underway for the 2024 Mid-Willamette Valley field course.
This course will occur over several weekends in the Spring and Fall at various locations in the mid-Willamette Valley. Dates are May 17, 18, and 19; September 21 and 22; and October 12.
Additional details and registration link are located below.
Register for the Mid-Willamette Valley Field Course
The Willamette Valley Ecoregion course will present a series of classes, covering the major ecosystems and natural and human processes that shape the region that is nestled between the Coast Range and Cascades. The course will introduce you to several groups and professionals who seek volunteers and offer additional trainings that will further your learning.
Each class is taught by an expert in that topic and each will be taught at a location that offers field experiences for the participants.
Course Schedule (Planning is underway. Details on exact times, meeting locations and class agendas will be shared before the course starts)
- Course Introduction and Expectations. Location: Zoom (May 13)
- Geology and Earth Processes of the Willamette Valley Ecoregion. Location: Marys Peak (May 17)
- Prairie & Wetlands, Pollinators & Native Plants. Location: Finley NWR (May 18)
- Restoration, Working Land & Birds. Location: TBD (May 19)
- Rivers, Riparian Areas, and Fish. Location: Luckiamute Landing State Natural Area (September 21)
- Oak Savanna, Traditional Cultural Practices and Fire. Location: TBD (September 22)
- Capstone Project Presentations. Location: Ankeny Hill Nature Center (October 12)
Central Oregon
Please check back here for updates on the Ecosystems and Natural History of Central Oregon field course.
If you have questions, please email Jason O'Brien, Statewide Coordinator for the Oregon Naturalist program, by clicking on the link below.
Ecosystems and Natural History of Central Oregon Field Course
Scheduling has not started for the Ecosystems and Natural History of Central Oregon Field Course.
The following are a list of the classes included in the course:
- Zoom Course Orientation and Geology Intro
- Course Welcome and Rangeland (Sagebrush/bunchgrass) Habitats
- Geology and Forest Ecology
- Riparian Ecology and Restoration
- The Art of Interpretation (at the High Desert Museum)
- Traditional Ecological Knowledge with the Warm Springs community
- Fungi and Native Plants
- Fire Ecology in Dry Forest Landscapes
Oregon Coast
The Oregon Coast Ecoregion Field Course has been postponed until a future date.
If you have questions, please contact Jamie Doyle, OSU Sea Grant Extension:
Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains
The Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains Ecoregion Field Course is on hold until a future date.
If you have questions, please contact Rachel Werling, OSU Extension Service - Jackson County.
Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains Ecoregion Field Course
This field course includes the following sessions:
- Introduction & Welcome to the Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains Ecoregion Course
- Geology and Earth Processes of the Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains
- Illinois Valley & Serpentine Ecology of the Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains
- Oak Habitats of the Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains
- Watershed & Riverine Processes of the Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains
- Forest Ecology of the Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains
- Exploration of the Cascade Siskiyou Monument
- Capstone Class - Presentation Day