Choosing the Right Service Provider for your Family Forest: Logging Contractor

Tamara Cushing and Steve Bowers
EM 9170 | Published October 2017, Reviewed 2021


Choosing a logging contractor for a harvest operation is an important decision. How do you go about selecting the right person for your property and your particular project? Some of the decision making is tailored to your situation as landowner, and there are some key questions about their ability to handle your specific issues that you should ask the contractors who might provide these important services.This publication will guide you what questions to ask and where to look for potential contractors. This publication can be downloaded in two different formats. The "PDF" file is a four-page, 5.5-inch-by-8.5-inch PDF. The supplemental file is designed as a four-page booklet that can be printed on a standard, letter-size sheet of paper. This version should be printed on both sides of one sheet of paper (flip on long edge) in landscape format.

Supplemental files

About the authors

Steve Bowers
Extension harvesting specialist
Oregon State University

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