We have at least one ash tree that is showing top dieback. What should we do to try to confirm whether or not we have the beetle?
Ash trees naturally can have some crown decline and it is not uncommon for our native Oregon ash, or the planted ash trees, to show crown issues like dead branches. You will want to examine the trees closely.
Learn about the emerald ash borer with this guide:
Correct identification and reporting will help state officials determine how far and how fast this insect is spreading in Oregon. Here are some resources to help with correct identification:
- EAB look-alikes guide from Oregon Department of Agriculture
- Oregon Forest Pest detector guide
- Oregon Department of Agriculture EAB webpage
If you feel confident you have EAB, please report sightings at the Oregon Invasive Species Council Hotline.
You can also refer to OSU Extension’s information on tree care, and this article, titled “Why are my trees dying?” to learn about other things that affect tree health.