2024 Pest Management Guide for Wine Grapes in Oregon

Patricia A. Skinkis, Jay W. Pscheidt, Achala KC, Marcelo Moretti, Vaughn Walton and Cody Copp
EM 8413 | Revised February 2024 |

This guide is for managers of commercial vineyards in Oregon. It provides recommendations for chemicals, formulations and usage rates of products that are intended to prevent and, manage vineyard diseases, insects, mites and weeds. When considering a pesticide, evaluate its efficacy and its impact on beneficial insects, pollinators and the environment. Not all registered pesticides are listed in this guide. These recommendations are based on research, label directions and vineyard-use experience for Oregon.

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It is important to relate pest knowledge with that of grapevine phenology, or growth stage, and the current seasonal climate. Pest control starts with correctly identifying the pest — whether it is a weed, insect or disease — as well as understanding how that pest develops in relation to the crop and the season. All of these parameters will help determine the stages at which the pest is most susceptible to control measures. This is true whether those control measures are cultural (canopy management, soil tillage, etc.) or chemical applications (fungicide, insecticide or herbicide).

Cultivar, planting density, vine vigor, canopy characteristics, pest complex and pest history are important for optimizing pest control decisions. Consider timing, application rate, method and volume to optimally target the pest and improve the efficacy of management measures.

This guide includes trade name products and services as illustrations only. Oregon State University does not endorse these products and services or intend to discriminate against products and services not mentioned.

Occasionally, new formulations of a product (or similar formulations containing a different concentration of an active ingredient) may be registered for use on grapes and the pests listed on the label but may not be listed in this guide. Consult the labels of alternative products to determine whether they offer advantages over the products listed in this guide. Product formulations, application rates and registration status may change at any time. The details in this guide are accurate to the knowledge of the authors just prior to publication. Determine label rates of all products used on your vineyard and verify current registration status with the Oregon Department of Agriculture.

Refer to the pesticide label for instructions on the use of a specific product. The product label is a legal document that explains effective rates and methods for its use. Using the product in ways other than those described on the label is a violation of the law.

Two questions are frequently asked about the chemical control of pests:

  • “How much chemical do I use per acre?”
  • “What is the least amount of water per acre I will need to apply using my spray tank?”

Tables 3 and 5 offer suggestions for formulated product to use per acre. Rates are based on a 7- to 15-year-old producing vineyard planted at a moderate density (5-foot vine spacing, 7-foot row spacing) with moderate pest pressure.

Some locations may need a lower amount of chemical material or volume. These include vineyards early in the growing season when canopies are smaller; vineyards with smaller canopies; vineyards that are 1 to 4 years old; and locations with less severe pest pressure and infestations. A higher volume or rate (within label limits) may be required later in the growing season, in vineyards with large vine canopies and when there is high pest pressure.

Some insecticide labels indicate water volume needed per acre to apply dilute or concentrated sprays associated with specific application techniques, such as dilute aerial applications. Be sure to read the label to determine how to calculate the amount of chemical needed per acre.

Make sure tank-mixes of pesticides are compatible. For example, an elevated pH of some boron spray solutions can weaken many insecticides, leading to lower efficacy.

Use adjuvants and spreader-stickers with caution. Most contact herbicides applied to growing weeds require a surfactant or adjuvant to maximize efficacy.

Vineyard pest management timing

The seasonal layout used in this guide is based on vine phenology throughout the year. Optimal pest management should be timed to coincide with vine phenology, pest presence, pest population levels and climate conditions.

At each vine phenology stage, we refer to a descriptor for vine growth and the corresponding growth stage number.

Table 3 provides an overview of the seasonal growth stages and management timing. Please refer to the specific growth stages illustrated in Table 2.

Use these growth stage numbers and descriptors in vineyard management record keeping; they provide a standardized method to report data for historical reference.

Table 2. Principal growth stages

Table 3. Seasonal vineyard pest management: weeds, insects, mites and fungal diseases

This table provides information on some of the effective pesticides with current labels on the market. These products include those that may be conducive to a variety of farming programs, including conventional, sustainable, organic and biodynamic programs. However, no designation is provided for specific certification-approved spray programs. Be sure to check with your farm certification agency for approved and prohibited products. Not all commercially available pesticides are listed. Products are listed with their application rates, mode of action group, re-entry interval, preharvest interval and important considerations. The application rates are listed in units provided by the product label or by active ingredient, or ai. Footnotes provide further information. Remember these points:

  • Alternative, nonchemical management strategies such as cultural practices (leaf removal, vigor control, etc.) may be possible, allowing for no-chemical or reduced-chemical use for certain pests. See remarks throughout and footnote 5.
  • Depending on the region, insect and mite pests only occasionally pose an economic impact in Oregon vineyards. Do not use insecticide sprays unless the insect or mite pest has been identified, a negative economic impact is probable, and pest pressure has reached an action threshold.
  • Pesticide labels are subject to alteration or cancellation at any time; always consult a current product label for usage and application rates. You can access labels from various online sources, including PICOL – Pesticide Information Center online database and Crop Data Management Systems
  • You can access labels from various online sources; see “Pest Management Resources.”
  • Contact the Oregon Department of Agriculture at 503-986-4635 or [email protected] for more questions about pesticide registration and legal use of products.

Key to tables

  • REI Re-entry interval
  • PHI Preharvest interval
  • ai Active ingredient

Group codes: These refer to the product’s mode of action classification. These group codes are designated by the following:

  • WSSA: Weed Science Society of America
  • FRAC: Fungicide Resistance Action Committee
  • IRAC: Insecticide Resistance Action Committee

Table 4. Effectiveness of fungicides for control of grape diseases

Ratings provided below are relative rankings based on labeled application rates, good spray coverage and proper spray timing. Actual levels of disease control in practice are influenced by these factors in addition to cultivar susceptibility, disease pressure, resistant pathogens, weather conditions, and the other fungicides used to control diseases in the vineyard.

Fungicide Fungicide group (FRAC code)* Phomopsis cane and leaf spot Powdery mildew Botrytis bunch rot
Products with single active ingredient
iprodione (Rovral, Nevado) 2 Not effective Not effective Good**
flutriafol (Rhyme) 3 ? Good** Slight–fair
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 3 Good Good to excellent Not effective
myclobutanil (Rally) 3 Not effective Good** Not effective
tebuconazole (Tebuconazole) 3 Not effective Fair–good** Not effective
tetriconazole (Mettle) 3 Not effective Good** Not effective
triflumizol (Procure, Trionic) 3 Not effective Good** Not effective
boscalid (Endura) 7 Not effective Good–excellent** Fair-Good**
isofetamid (Kenja) 7 Not effective Good–excellent** Good**
benzovindiflupyr (Aprovia) 7 Good Good–excellent** Slight**
cyprodinil (Vangard) 9 Not effective Not effective Good**
pyrimethanil (Scala) 9 Not effective None Good**
azoxystrobin (Abound, Quadris) 11 Fair–good Good** Slight–fair
kresoxim-methyl (Sovran) 11 Good Good** Slight–fair
mandestrobin (Intuity) 11 ? Poor to moderate ?
trifloxystrobin (Flint) 11 Fair Good** Slight–fair
quinoxyfen (Quintec) 13 Not effective Excellent** Not effective
fenhexamid (Elevate) 17 Not effective Not effective Good**
polyoxin-D (Ph-D, Oso) 19 ? Fair–good Fair–good
fixed copper (several formulations) M1 Slight Moderate Slight–none
sulfur (several formulations) M2 Slight Good–excellent Not effective
ziram (Ziram) M2 Good Not effective Slight
mancozeb (Dithane, Manzate, Penncozeb) M3 Excellent Not effective Not effective
captan (Captan, Captec) M4 Excellent Not effective Fair
potassium bicarbonates (Kaligreen, Milstop) NC Not effective Slight Slight
BLAD (Fracture, Problad Verde) BM01 Not effective Slight ?
Horticultural Mineral Oils (HMOs) (JMS Stylet Oil) NC Not effective Good Slight
Regalia P5 Not effective Fair–good Not effective
soap (M-Pede, Prev-Am) NC ? Good ?
cyflufenamid (Torino) U6 Not effective Excellent** Not effective
metrafenone (Vivando) 50 Not effective Excellent** Not effective
pyriofenone (Prolivo) 50 Not effective Excellent** Not effective
flutianil (Gatten) U13 ? (Not effective) Good ? (Not effective)
Bacillus sp. (Aviv, Double Nickel, Lifegard, Serenade, Sonata, Stargus, Theia) BM02 ? Slight–Good Slight
Aprovia Top 3 + 7 ? Good** Fair–good**
Inspire Super 3 + 9 None–slight Good** Good**
Luna Experience 3 + 7 ? Good** Fair–good**
Luna Sensation 7 + 11 ? Good** Fair–good**
Merivon 7 + 11 Good Good –excellent** Good**
Pristine 11 + 7 Good Good** Fair–good**
Miravis Prime 7 + 12 ? Good** Good**
Quadris Top 3 + 11 Fair–good Good** Slight–fair**
Regev 3 + BM01 ? Fair-good** Slight
Switch 9 + 12 Not effective Not effective Excellent**
TopGuard EQ 3 + 11 Fair–good Good** Slight–fair**
Products with single active ingredient
iprodione (Rovral, Nevado) 2 Not effective Not effective Good**
flutriafol (Rhyme) 3 ? Good** Slight–fair
mefentrifluconazole (Cevya) 3 Good Good to excellent Not effective
myclobutanil (Rally) 3 Not effective Good** Not effective

*FRAC codes are those designated by the Fungicide Resistance Action Committee based on the active ingredient mode of action. Specific codes include: M=multi-site activity, NC=activity not specified, U=unknown mode of action, BM=biologicals with multiple modes of action.

? = no information available.

**Resistant pathogens will lower the effectiveness of these fungicides.

Table 5. Example strategy for powdery mildew and Botrytis bunch rot control

Section anchor "powdery-mildew-and-botrytis-strategies"

Powdery mildew and Botrytis strategies

Powdery mildew

Unfortunately, powdery mildew has formed resistance to various fungicide groups, including FRAC 3, 7, 11 and 13. Resistance to FRAC 3 and strobilurins (FRAC 11) have been confirmed throughout Oregon that led to field failures. Resistance to FRAC 7 and 13 is increasing. The example powdery mildew spray program provided is based on sulfur and uses synthetic fungicides that avoid these fungicide classes or tank mixes with other fungicide classes. Sulfur is alternated with fungicides such as Torino (FRAC U6) and Vivando/Prolivo (FRAC 50), or combination products that contain multiple modes of action. Tank mixing fungicides from different groups is also a successful strategy if using single mode of action products. If the same spray program is used for multiple years and control failure is observed, switch to fungicide products with different FRAC groups from what was used in previous years or those that have low resistance development (i.e., M2, UN).

Short (seven-day) spray intervals and high rates of sulfur are used during the most critical infection periods near bloom and post-fruit set. Spray adjuvants may improve efficacy of sulfur. Alternate the use of Torino (FRAC U6) and Vivando/Prolivo (FRAC 50)between sulfur applications. We recommend tank mixing sulfur with fungicides that are at a high risk of resistance development, such as FRAC 3, 7, 11 and 13.

M-Pede or JMS Stylet oil can be used to slow an infection when protectant fungicides fail to provide complete control. However, oils or soaps cannot be used within a certain number of days after sulfur application; check labels for specific intervals.

Several fungicide products may already contain two different fungicide groups, such as Aprovia Top, Inspire Super, Luna Experience, Luna Sensation, Miravis Prime, Pristine, Quadris, and Topguard EQ. These also may be used in rotation, but be careful not to rotate them with products that contain the same fungicide groups (FRAC codes). Resistance to one or both components is possible.

Potassium bicarbonate-based materials could be used to supplement a normal, season-long program. They will not eradicate powdery mildew once an epidemic has started.

Table 6. Botrytis bunch rot of grapes

Botrytis cinerea will infect grape berries from 53°F with as few as four hours of berry wetness. The number of berries infected rises with increased hours of berry wetness. This table is based on a Botrytis bunch rot infection model. Apply fungicides after a medium risk occurs during the growing season.

Temperature (В°C) Temperature (В°F) Minimum number of hours of berry wetness* (medium risk) Minimum number of hours of berry wetness* (high risk)
30 86 28.8 32.2
29 84.2 22.4 25.9
28 82.4 19.0 22.1
27 80.6 16.9 19.5
26 78.8 15.3 17.8
25 77 14.3 16.5
24 75.2 13.5 15.6
23 73.4 13.0 15.0
22 71.6 12.6 14.7
21 69.8 12.5 14.5
20 68 12.5 14.4
19 66.2 12.6 14.6
18 64.4 12.9 14.9
17 62.6 13.4 15.5
16 60.8 14.1 16.3
15 59 15.1 17.4
14 57.2 16.5 19.1
13 55.4 18.5 21.4
12 53.6 21.5 24.9

*If berries are dry for fewer than four hours, the wet periods are considered one event. If berries are dry for more than four hours, the wet periods are considered separate events.

Section anchor "follow-the-rules-for-fungicide-stewardship"
Follow the ‘RULES’ for fungicide stewardship
  • Rotate or mix fungicides of different chemical groups.
  • Use labeled rates.
  • Limit total number of applications.
  • Educate yourself about fungicide activity, mode of action, and class—as well as resistance management practices.
  • Start a fungicide program with multisite mode of action materials.

Table 7. Seasonal use of herbicides based on active ingredient

Seasonal timing of herbicide use is based on vine phenology and climatic conditions, such as rainfall and soil moisture. Postharvest interval (PHI) is listed in days. Special remarks are listed after the product ingredient.

Section anchor "weed-management-preplant-and-vineyard-establishment"

Weed management: preplant and vineyard establishment

Table 8 highlights the herbicide products available for weed control during preplant and vineyard establishment (termed “nonbearing” on the labels). Herbicide use is often contingent upon the age of the vineyard. Some products can only be used in nonbearing vineyards, or have restrictions relative to the first harvest year. Read product labels closely to ensure proper use of the product.

Other herbicide recommendations for bearing vineyards are listed in Table 3.

Table 8. Weed control, preplant and establishment years

Weed control timing and herbicide product/active ingredient Amount of material/A Group (WSSA) REI PHI Remarks
Preplanting (year 0)
Reglone/diquat dibromide 24–32 oz 22 24 hr 1 yr For use in nonbearing vineyards only. Apply to completely cover foliage of rapidly growing weeds. Add a nonionic surfactant. Best control when weeds are 1 to 6 inches high.
Roundup and other products/ glyphosate Consult label 9 4 hr 14 d Apply to weeds at least 10 days before planting the crop. Use highest rate on field bindweed. Rain within six hours after application may reduce effectiveness. Do not apply if weeds are in mature growth stages (e.g., producing seeds) or under stress from drought.
Treflan/trifluralin 0.5–1 lb ai 3 12 hr 60 d Apply pre-plant and incorporate immediately by cross- disking or rototilling. Use lower rates on sandy soils or soil containing low organic matter levels, and use higher rates in soils with 2% to 10% organic matter. See label for detailed rate guidelines.
New plantings (years 1–3)
Devrinol DF-XT/napropamide 4 lb ai 15 24 hr 70 d Pre-emergent herbicide. Apply after planting to firm soil, with no debris, before weeds germinate. Shallow tillage improves activity. Avoid exposure of transplant roots contacting soil. Light-sensitive and can photo-decompose after four days. Do not leave on soil surface for more than three weeks in winter (fall to early spring) or 24 hours in other times of year. XT formulation may allow longer times to incorporation without reducing efficacy. Low residual activity. Only one application can be made annually.
Envoy Plus/clethodim Consult label 1 24 hr 1 yr For use in nonbearing vineyards only where the vines will not bear fruit for at least one year following application. Apply to actively growing grass weeds, including annual bluegrass, at growth stage listed on label. Read label carefully for adjuvant instructions and for information about effects of rain within one hour, applications of other pesticides, or cultivation. Do not apply more than 64 fl oz/A per season.
Fusilade DX (OR)/fluazifop Varies, see label 1 12 hr 50 d (bearing)1 yr (non-bearing) Can be applied to bearing grapes under supplemental label. Apply to actively growing grasses, or within seven days of irrigation as a directed spray with 1% crop oil or 0.25% nonionic surfactant. Identify grass weeds and adjust rates, depending on susceptibility and stage of growth, as label instructs. Results often are erratic on grasses stressed from lack of vigor, drought, high temperature or low fertility. More mature grasses and quackgrass can be controlled but may require two applications. Annual bluegrass and all fine fescues resist treatment. Do not apply more than 24 fl oz/A per application. Do not exceed 72 fl oz/A per season. Applications must be at minimum 14 days apart.
Goal 2XL/oxyfluorfen 0.25–0.5 lb ai (1-2 pts product) 14 24 hr 60 d Rate varies based on weed species. Apply only to vineyards with healthy vines and while dormant. Direct the spray toward the base of vines, avoiding direct plant contact. Use only on vines that are trained to a trellis and are at least 3 feet above the soil surface. Acts on contact, either directly on broadleaf weeds or at soil surface as weeds emerge. Controls broadleaf weeds pre- and postemergence, depending on rate of application and weed species.
Poast/sethoxydim 0.28–0.47 lb ai (1.5–2.5 qt product) 1 12 hr 50 d Rate varies based on weed species. Identify susceptible grasses and apply at optimum growth stage listed on label. Add 2 pt/A of a non-phytotoxic crop oil concentrate to improve leaf absorption. Control often is erratic on grasses stunted or stressed from drought, high temperatures, or low fertility. Resistant grasses include annual bluegrass and all fine fescues; quackgrass can be suppressed. Do not exceed 5 pt/A per season.
Prowl 3.3 or Prowl H20/pendimethalin Check labels 3 24 hr Varies Pre-emergent herbicide. Apply to newly planted grapes when dormant before buds swell and after soil settles around vines and cracks are gone. Spray directly on the soil surface below vines. Overhead irrigation or rain is required within seven days for herbicide activation. Weeds are affected as they germinate. For use in either nonbearing vineyards only or in bearing and nonbearing vineyards, depending on product and formulation. Check the label for details.
Rely 280/glufosinate Check label 10 12 hr 14 d Apply to actively growing weeds as a directed spray or spot treatment. Rate depends on size of the weeds to be controlled (consult label). Shield green tissue or bark from contact or injury will occur. Do not exceed 4.5 lb ai/A per season (12 months).
Roundup and other products/glyphosate Check label 9 4 hr 14 d Apply to actively growing weeds for site preparation or in nonbearing crops one year before first harvest. Avoid contact with green vine foliage or suckers. Follow all precautions on label. To avoid weed resistance, rotate and mix weed control practices.
Snapshot 2.5 TG/isoxaben + trifluralin 100–200 lb product 3 + 21 12 hr 1 yr Identify weeds and determine rate of application based on label. For use in nonbearing vineyards only. Apply to weed- and debris-free soil. Do not apply at the time of planting. Soil must be settled with water and free from cracks following transplanting before the product can be used. Activate within 21 days of application using 0.5 inch of water or shallow cultivation before weeds begin to emerge. Follow label instructions for repeat treatments.
Surflan AS/oryzalin 2–6 lb ai (2-6 qt product) 3 24 hr --- Preemergent herbicide. Apply after transplanting to firm soil before weeds germinate. Requires irrigation, rain or shallow cultivation (1 to 2 inches) to activate. Rate depends on duration of weed control desired. Do not exceed 12 lb ai/A per year.
Trellis SC/isoxaben Check label 21 12 hr 60 d Labeled for bearing and nonbearing vineyards. Rate varies based on weed species. Control weeds growing from seeds. Apply before germination of targeted weeds or immediately after cultivation to debris-free soil. Activate with 0.5 inch of water or shallow cultivation before weeds begin to emerge. Chemical stability remains adequate when left on the soil surface for 21 days. Identify weeds and adjust rates according to charts on label. Do not apply to newly transplanted vines until soil has settled and cracks disappear.
Section anchor "sprayer-calibration"

Sprayer calibration

It is important that sprayers are properly maintained, calibrated and operated to ensure that the products are applied at the correct rates. All sprayers should be calibrated before the first use each season and periodically during the season to deal with changes in canopy size. Be sure to check out Six Steps to Calibrate and Optimize Airblast Sprayers for Orchards and Vineyards.

Section anchor "using-pesticides-safely"

Using pesticides safely

Basic elements of safe pesticide use

  • Identify the pest (weed, insect, mite, or disease) that needs to be managed. This is required in order to select the correct type of pesticide to achieve the results needed.
  • Minimize use of pesticide by timing applications that will allow maximum efficacy based on the biology of the plant and the pest and current environmental conditions. When possible, do targeted applications within affected regions using pesticides that are less persistent and have a narrow range of impact.
  • Always read the pesticide label with care. This is the first step in selecting the right material for the job. Never rely on your memory. Before opening the container, pay close attention to warnings and cautions on the label.
  • Keep all pesticide and spray materials out of the reach of children, pets and irresponsible persons.
  • Storage outside of the home, away from food and feed, and under lock and key is the safest method.
  • Store pesticides only in the original container. Keep tightly closed.
  • NEVER smoke, eat or drink while handling pesticides.
  • Avoid inhalation or direct contact. Always wear protective clothing and safety devices as recommended on the label.
  • Avoid spills. If spills occur, take immediate action to remove contaminated clothing and wash thoroughly.
  • After each application, bathe and change to clean clothing. Wash clothing after each use. Always use fresh clothing when starting new application.
  • Avoid contamination of fish ponds and water supplies. Cover feed and water containers when treating around livestock or pet areas.
  • Keep separate equipment for use with hormone-type herbicides to avoid accidental injury to susceptible plants. Also avoid applications under wind conditions that could create drift to nontarget areas.
  • Rinse empty containers three times before disposing of them. Add the rinse to the spray tank and dispose of containers according to local regulations to avoid hazard to humans, animals and the environment.
  • Follow label directions for mixing and application to keep residues within the limits prescribed by law.
  • Plan ahead. Discuss with your physician the materials you will be using during the season so that they can be prepared to provide the appropriate treatment in case of accidental exposure. If symptoms of illness occur, call the physician or get the patient to a hospital immediately. Always provide the medical personnel with as much information as possible.
  • Be cautious when you apply pesticides. Know your legal responsibility as a pesticide applicator. You may be liable for injury or damage resulting from pesticide use.

Always read the label

Pesticide safety starts by reading the pesticide label and following the directions provided on the label. See How to Read a Pesticide Label. If the label does not provide clear instruction, contact a person qualified to help evaluate the hazard of the chemical and its use. Qualified people include your supervisor, Extension specialists, county educators, pesticide product representatives and retailers.

Pesticides are toxic but can be used safely if you follow recommended precautions. Follow all label requirements and consider additional personal protective clothing and equipment. Other major factors that can influence the safe and effective use of pesticides include the pesticide applicator’s qualifications, use of common sense, and a positive attitude.

In case of pesticide accidents, seek medical attention immediately. Be sure that you know which pesticide was involved. The label on the container gives this information. Give the pesticide label or information from the label, such as the product name, registration number of the Environmental Protection Agency, the common name and percentage of active ingredient, and first-aid instructions to the medical professional or individual providing medical assistance. If the label cannot be removed from the product, take a photo of the label with a phone or take along the pesticide container (if not contaminated), but do not take it into a hospital or medical clinic.

Pesticide safety checklist

  • Use pesticides only when necessary and as part of an integrated pest management program. Always read the label and follow the instructions. See How to Read a Pesticide Label.
  • Do not allow children near sprayers or pesticide mixing, storage and disposal areas.
  • Wear appropriate protective clothing and equipment.
  • Avoid drift into nontarget areas and pesticide runoff into waterways (streams, rivers, lakes, irrigation ponds and canals).
  • Have access to clean water, soap and first-aid supplies.
  • Keep pesticides in a dry and locked storage area away from food and feed.
  • Stay out of recently sprayed areas until the spray has dried, and observe the restricted-entry intervals (REI) specified on the pesticide label.
  • Follow the preharvest interval (PHI) on the pesticide label before harvesting crops or gardens and before allowing livestock to graze fields.

Oregon Poison Center

Oregon Health & Science University
3181 S.W. Sam Jackson Park Road
Portland, OR 97239
Phone: 1-800-222-1222

If a person has collapsed or is not breathing, dial 911.

Section anchor "farming-certification-organizations-serving-oregon"

Farming certification organizations serving Oregon

Demeter Association

Purpose: The mission of the Demeter Association is to foster, encourage and improve biodynamic methods and practices by certifying growers, processors and manufacturers of biodynamic foodstuffs, and by carrying out other activities and education programs as may be appropriate. Demeter operates exclusively for agricultural and horticultural purposes. Demeter certifies farms as either biodynamic or in conversion to biodynamic.

Evaluation criteria: Demeter certification is in accord with many practices that characterize the certification of organic farms. For example, pesticide use follows the national organic program. However, certain practices are unique to biodynamic agriculture.

Food Alliance

Email: [email protected]

Purpose: Promotes sustainable agriculture by recognizing farmers who produce food in environmentally and socially responsible ways and educating consumers and others in the food system about the benefits of sustainable agriculture.

Evaluation criteria: Certifies a wide variety of farm and ranch products in the Northwest and Midwest. Practices are ranked in a point system with four levels of achievement within each category of evaluation.

International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control of Noxious Animals and Plants

Purpose: IOBC/WPRS promotes the use of sustainable, environmentally safe, economically feasible and socially acceptable control methods of pests and diseases of agricultural and forestry crops. IOBC/WPRS encourages collaboration in the development and promotion of biological and integrated production systems.

Evaluation criteria: All farms certified by an IOBC-endorsed organization must be supervised and their achievements monitored, evaluated and documented according to international rules. Evaluation is based on farm inspection and submitted farm records. Evaluation of farm records is based on completeness and plausibility of records taken, nutrient balance (N and P), all agrichemical inputs and all disqualification criteria. All farm records are evaluated regardless of the field inspection. Technical Bulletins detailing guidelines can be ordered.

Low Input Viticulture & Enology

Email: [email protected]

Purpose: A sustainable agriculture program providing vineyards and wineries with official certification for agricultural practices that are modeled after international standards of integrated production. The intent is to increase vineyard and winery sustainability and best management practices while maintaining fruit and wine quality. Education regarding sustainable production practices is also a component of this program.

Evaluation criteria: It is the intent of the LIVE organization to certify vineyards and wineries that have complied with the requirements of the integrated production program based on best management practices with respect to vineyard efficiency and environmental standards. The success of the program relies on strict adherence to the philosophy and rules of the program. Semiannual site inspections, review of required farm documents, and periodic sampling form the basis for assuring the public that members certified by LIVE have complied with all aspects of the program. Evaluation criteria are based on LIVE Technical Guidelines.

Oregon Department of Agriculture Organic Certification Program

Email: [email protected]

Purpose: This state program administers the regulations outlined by the National Organic Program for agricultural producers who wish to certify their land and agricultural products as “organic” or “made with organic.”

Evaluation criteria: Organic standards outlined by the NOP are enforced. The website has direct links to information from the NOP, including program standards, a national list of approved and prohibited substances, and links to the Organic Material Review Institute. Contents of the National List are based upon a Proposed National List, with annotations, as recommended to the Secretary by the National Organic Standards Board.

Oregon Tilth

Email: [email protected]

Purpose: Tilth is a nonprofit research and education organization certifying organic farmers, processors, retailers and handlers throughout Oregon, the United States and internationally.

Evaluation criteria: Oregon Tilth provides certification to ensure that the agreed-upon conventions of organic agriculture systems are being practiced. Uses a National List of Allowed and Prohibitive Substances based on the National Organic Program final rule and Organic Production Act of 1990.

Organic Material Review Institute

View the OMRI Products List.

OMRI Contact Form

Purpose: Provides information about organic materials used in production, processing, and handling. Serves as a reference, providing comprehensive interpretation of materials used on other organization lists.

Evaluation criteria: Rates crop production materials as “Allowed” or “Regulated.” Annual subscriptions are available to receive materials lists, and certifiers can receive certifier subscriber information.


Email: [email protected]

Purpose: Works with leading farmers throughout the Northwest to help restore salmon habitat on farmland by planting trees, growing cover crops, improving irrigation systems, and applying natural methods to control weeds and pests.

Evaluation criteria: The certification process can be downloaded online from the website. Salmon-Safe works in collaboration with the certifiers of LIVE and Oregon Tilth, providing additional certification to those who are certified under these organizations.

Section anchor "pest-management-resources"

Pest management resources

Herbicide drift


Fungicide resistance

  • FRAME Network – Fungicide Resistance Assessment, Mitigation and Extension

Vertebrate pest control

Pest management handbooks

A number of useful pest management handbooks are available online, and updated annually. You can view, download or print them for free from the OSU Extension Catalog.

Relative toxicities of pesticides and miticides to natural enemies and pollinators

Pesticide labels and registration information

Chemical registrations for pesticides can change at any time. To be sure that a product is registered for use in Oregon, use one of the following online databases. You can download product labels from many of them.

Worker protection standards, pesticide and farm safety

Grape production

Use pesticides safely!

  • Wear protective clothing and safety devices as recommended on the label. Bathe or shower after each use.
  • Read the pesticide label—even if you’ve used the pesticide before. Follow closely the instructions on the label (and any other directions you have).
  • Be cautious when you apply pesticides. Know your legal responsibility as a pesticide applicator. You may be liable for injury or damage resulting from pesticide use.

Trade-name products and services are mentioned as illustrations only. This does not mean that the Oregon State University Extension Service either endorses these products and services or intends to discriminate against products and services not mentioned.

About the authors

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