Dryland Cropping Systems: Narrow-Leaf Lupin

Kathryn Kettel, Brian Tuck, William A. Payne, Chengci Chen, Stephen Machado and Russ Karow
EM 8834 | Published June 2003, Reviewed 2021


Discusses potential for lupin as a crop in the Pacific Northwest. Includes information about uses, growth habit, life cycle, environmental and soil requirements, variety selection, seed preparation, germination, seeding, fertilization, weed control, pest control, harvest, and economics.

About the authors

Kathryn Kettel
Former Extension Assistant
Oregon State University, Wasco County
William A. Payne
Crop physiologist
Texas A&M University
Chengci Chen
Assistant professor of Agronomy
Montana State University
Russ Karow
Former extension specialist
Department of Crop and Soil Science, Oregon State University

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