Agriculture is a Concentrated Industry in Oregon and the US

Farms with sales over $1 million account for the majority of agricultural sales

  • 2.5% of all farms in Oregon produced 69.7% of all agricultural products sold, compared to 3.9% of all farms producing 69.3% of all sales nationally
  • Total sales by farms selling $1 million or more increased 5% in Oregon, 1.9% nationally

In the past 5 years, Oregon saw slower farm consolidation than the nation

  • The number of mid-scale farms (sales $50,000 to $499,999) decreased -1.3%, compared to -6.3% nationally
  • Total sales by these mid-scale farms decreased by -2.2%, compared to -8.8% nationally
  • Mid-scale farms contributed 12.4% of total sales, compared to 17.1% nationally

Oregon’s agricultural production has been and remains more concentrated than the US

In 2002, 54.4% of all sales came from large-scale farms (sales over $1 million) in Oregon, compared to 47.9% nationally. Today these large scale farms account for nearly equal proportions of total sales. However, sales by the largest farms (sales over $5 million) generated 40% of all agricultural sales in Oregon, compared to 35% nationally. These largest farms are 0.4% of all farms in both Oregon and US.

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