Guide to Ground Beetles in Grass Seed Crops Grown In the Willamette Valley, Oregon

Inga Reich, Casi Jessie, Andrew Colton, Mike Gormally and Rory Mc Donnell
EM 9301 | Published February 2021, Reviewed 2023


Ground beetles are an integral component of biological control in agricultural fields,
but information on the species that are present in Oregon and throughout the United
States is surprisingly limited. This guide was created as a quick reference for common
ground beetles found in grass seed crops in the Willamette Valley.

About the authors

Inga Reich
Research associate, Department of Crop and Soil Science
Oregon State University
Casi Jessie
Research associate, Department of Crop and Soil Science
Oregon State University
Andrew Colton
Faculty research assistant, Department of Crop and Soil Science
Oregon State University
Mike Gormally
Professor, Applied Ecology Unit
National University of Ireland

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