Living on the Land: Got a Stream? Grow Plants!

Ellen Hammond, Brian Tuck, Susan Kerr and Shilah Olson
EC 1645 | Published October 2014, Reviewed 2018


This publication is part of the Living on the Land series. It provides concise information on how to best protect your stream areas with native vegetation and grazing strategies that help wildlife and property values. Primarily directed to small-acreage landowners east of the Cascades.

  • Click the "view it now" button to download a PDF.
  • Listen to the Living on the Land podcast series.
  • Or use the supplemental links below to listen to the audio files for this topic. Each streaming audio file contains one section of the information from the publication.

About the authors

Ellen Hammond
Water quality specialist
Oregon Department of Agriculture
Susan Kerr
Regional livestock and diary extension specialist
Washington State University
Shilah Olson
Conservation planner
Wasco County Soil & Water Conservation District, Oregon

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