Credit: Lynn Ketchum (Cropped from original)

Project materials and history

The team began meeting in May 2023 and received a $10,000 mini-grant from the Western Region Agriculture Stress Assistance Program to design a thirty-minute curriculum for producers and agricultural professionals on climate stress and grief. We developed the curriculum and compensated five agricultural producers to review these materials.

In October 2023, we piloted the program four times. Results from the pilot sessions indicate that 89 percent of participants are interested in more in-depth climate stress and grief learning experiences.

In December 2023, we shared our current findings at the OSU Extension Annual Conference, the USDA SARE Building Partnerships for Agricultural Sustainability Summit, and the National Risk Management Education National Conference. We also received the Hoecker Innovation grant and the Western Center for Risk Management Exploration grants to fund additional training. We have received funds from OSU’s College of Agriculture Sciences to continue our research beyond 2023.

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