Does beer really work? What’s the best design of a slug trap? What’s the new information emerging about the use of essential oils in combatting slugs in the garden?
Watch an online 45-minute lunchtime SLUG CHAT with Associate Professor and Primary Investigator of OSU’s Invertebrate Crop Pest Lab, Rory McDonnell. Dr. McDonnell’s work focuses on understanding the ecology of invasive slugs and snails, and developing and implementing novel strategies for their management. His work has been published in National Geographic, and the New Yorker, and countless scientific journals.
You may have read about his recent discovery of the use of bread dough as the strongest attractant to bait slugs! Master Gardener Statewide Outreach Coordinator LeAnn Locher joined Dr. McDonnell to discuss Oregon gardeners’ most pressing questions about the slugs and snails we see in our garden, the damage that they do, and how we can better learn to live without (or with) them.
This online webinar is part of Slug (and snail) Week, a social media campaign educating and entertaining through the Master Gardener Facebook and Instagram channels.