Sweep Net Technique


A sweep net is a cost-effective way to monitor for the presence of a variety of insect pests. A standard net has a diameter of 15 inches. It's important to use the standard size net each time you sweep so you are able to compare your results to others in your field. To start hold the net with the hoop near to the ground in front of you. Swing the net from side to side in a full 180 degree arc. Sweep one stroke per step as you causally walk to the field or down the road. After 10 to 15 strokes, shake all your contents to the end of the net. Close the mouth of your net. Have a ziploc bag ready to go. Push inside out all the content inside the ziplock bag. Close the bag and now you are ready to start pinning and labeling your collection.

Demonstration of how to use a sweep net to collect insects.

After learning this technique, then you are ready to start pinning your collection of insects.

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