Photo by Stephen Ward. (Cropped from original)

Wildlife Field Day: Forestry for the Birds

Corvallis, OR

Location details will be provided to attendees.

Jun 26, 2024 8:30 am - 12:30 pm


Accommodation requests related to a disability should be made by Jun 24, 2024 to Crystal Kelso: [email protected] or 541-730-3539

Join us for a discussion and forest tour featuring the Forest Stewards Guild's Forestry for the Birds Western Oregon Guide.

This Guide was developed to assist woodland caretakers including landowners, loggers, foresters, natural resource managers, or practitioners, to identify, assess, and support a healthy forest with birds in mind. We will review the guide while walking through various habitats and forest stages. Learn more about the focal birds within the Guide, bird habitat preferences, identifying understory plants, and forest structure and variability that make appealing habitat for different bird species.

Event agenda:

  • 8:30 – Early birds get coffee & pastries
  • 9:00 – Welcome & introductions
  • 9:45 – What is Forestry for the Birds?
  • 10:00 – Forest tour applying the Guide
  • 12:30 – End workshop

$5 per person, cost includes take-home copy of the Forestry for the Birds guide and breakfast snacks.

We look forward to meeting you!

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