Best Management Practices for Maintaining Soil Productivity in the Douglas-fir Region

Alex Dobkowski, Steve Campbell, Jeffrey D. Grizzel, Robert B. Harrison, Ronald L. Heninger, Douglas A. Maguire, Richard E. Miller, Deborah Page-Dumroese, William Scott and Darlene Zabowski
EM 9023 | Published April 2011, Reviewed 2024


This publication is a reference guide for forest soils productivity and management. Main topics include (1) understanding and managing risk, (2) soil characteristics that affect productivity, (3) soil survey information for forestland managers/management of soil erosion, (4) managing mass wasting risk, (5) managing soil disturbance, and (6) maintaining adequate nutrient supply.

About the authors

Alex Dobkowski
Senior research forester
Weyerhaeuser Company, Centralia, Washington
Steve Campbell
Soil scientist
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Portland, Oregon.
Jeffrey D. Grizzel
Director of natural resources
Grant County Public Utility District, Ephrata, Washington
Robert B. Harrison
Professor of soil and environmental science
School of Forest Resources, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
Ronald L. Heninger
Soil scientist
Weyerhaeuser Company (retired), Springfield, Oregon
Douglas A. Maguire
Professor of silviculture and biometrics
Oregon State University
Richard E. Miller
Soil scientist emeritus
USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station
Deborah Page-Dumroese
Research soil scientist
USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station
William Scott
Soil scientist
Weyerhaeuser Company (retired), Puyallup, Washington
Darlene Zabowski
Professor of forest soils/soil genesis and classification
School of Forestry Resources, University of Washington, Seattle

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