Western Hemp Train-the-Trainer

Gordon B. Jones
March 2023

OSU Extension hosted a Western Hemp Train-the-Trainer in March 2023. The event was created in support of the USDA NIFA Sustainable Agriculture Systems grant: Sustainably Incorporating Hemp Biobased Economy into Western U.S. Regional Rural and Tribal Lands. Recordings and presentations slides are linked below.


Gordon Jones & Jeff Steiner, OSU


An Overview of the U.S. Domestic Hemp Production Program

Kate Tantakis, USDA AMS


Presentation Slides

Days of Yore: Hemp Realities in Oregon 2018-2022

Sunny Summers, ODA, & Gordon Jones, OSU


Presentation Slides

AgBiz Logic for Hemp

Clark Seavert, OSU


Presentation Slides

Hemp Production Panel

Paul Murdoch, Horn Creek Hemp; Joe Frey, Western States Hemp; Dalton Wittmer, IND Hemp


Hemp Economics

Beau Whitney, Whitney Economics

Recording (part 1)

Recording (part 2)

Presentation Slides

Hemp Breeding and Genetics

Stephen Baluch, OSU


Presentation Slides

Diseases of Hemp in the Western US

Cindy Ocamb, OSU


Presentation Slides

Interplay Between Plants and Insects in Hemp Production Systems

Govinda Shrestha, OSU


Presentation Slides

Tribal Engagement Panel

Staci Emm, UNR Extension, & Doug Boon, 7 Generations


This work was supported by the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI), Sustainable Agricultural Systems (SAS), Grant no. 13333755/Project accession no. 1027531 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA).

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