Photo by Betsy Hartley (Cropped from original)

Tree Fruit Production and Pest Control

Nathanial Coe brought to the Hood River Valley the first fruit trees in 1854 when he arrived to establish Oregon's first post offices and mail routes.

In 1876, E.L. Smith planted the first commercial orchard, 30 acres of apples (Newtown Pippins and Spitzenburg) and peaches. In time, apples became the dominant crop.

In 1919 the Hood River Valley had a disastrous freeze that killed many apple trees. With that, growers began planting pear trees to replace the apples. Today pears are the major commercial crop grown in the valley. In recent years more sweet cherry trees and vineyards have increased in acreage.

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Meet our expert

Ashley Thompson
Assistant Professor of Horticulture

Contact for questions about commercial cherry and pear production in Wasco and Hood River Counties.

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