Welcome to Oregon's Outback


Hi, and welcome to Oregon's outback.
My name is Sergio Arispe.
And I'm the livestock and rangeland extension agent
for the Oregon State University Extension Service
in Malheur County.
This is the outback, with beautiful big skies
and an amazing complex ecosystem.
This place is like no other place on Earth.
Beef production is an economic driver
across the Pacific Northwest.
In Oregon, cattle and calves are the number one
agricultural commodity in the state.
The cow-calf sector is a fundamental base
of the beef industry.
And a lot of these calves, especially
in Central and Eastern Oregon depend
on these valuable rangelands.
To ensure that these rangelands continue
to be productive over multiple generations,
these ecosystems need to be managed in a sustainable
So what does sustainable rangeland-based
beef production look like in Central and Eastern Oregon?
Well there are three tenets of general sustainability.
And that includes practices that are
environmentally responsible, socially diligent,
and economically viable.
This video library is for rangeland-based beef producers
and agricultural professionals.
Within this video series, you're going
to meet content experts with the Oregon State University
Extension Service that are going to be tying those topics back
to the three levels of sustainable rangeland-based
This video library will increase your awareness
and your skill set about sustainable
rangeland-based beef production.
We're going to have a host of videos.
And those are going to include things
like photo-monitoring the rangelands for improved
rangeland health; properly sampling hay bales
to ensure you maintain a healthy herd
and mitigate costs; and also how to interpret a feed
analysis that you get back from a forage laboratory.
And that's to name a few.
I encourage you to access these videos,
share them with your friends, and learn
more about sustainable rangeland-based beef
I really hope you enjoy these videos
and are able to use them to manage the landscape
to retain the beauty and productivity
of beautiful Oregon's outback.

Oregon’s Outback is a Sustainable Rangeland-Based Beef Production Video Library that highlights best management practices for cow-calf producers and agricultural professionals. Videos within this library will fall within the three tenants of sustainable beef production:

  1. Economically viable
  2. Environmentally responsible
  3. Socially diligent

These videos will increase cow-calf producers' and agricultural professionals' knowledge and skills related to sustainable rangeland-based beef production in central and eastern Oregon. The goal is that those individuals will incorporate what is learned in this video library on their operations or in their outreach endeavors, respectively. See the video library.

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