To properly manage woodlands, owners need a plan

When summer rolls around, woodland owners might be thinking about what they need to do on their property through the season. Summer is a great time to conduct weed management, timber harvest, wildlife habitat restoration and more. However, a lot of these things should be planned early. Land management plans can help accomplish this.

If you are a seasoned woodland owner, chances are that you already have a land management plan. If you do not have one, OSU Extension and its partners have plenty of resources to get you started.

Most woodland owners enjoy getting to know their property, and creating a land management plan is a great way to do that. Plans typically have information about the physical property like location, size and ownership. History, maps and photos also help describe property and provide a guide toward goals and actions.

Having a list of goals and actions for a woodland is a good way to plan priority actions each season. Here is a short list of what to consider for the summer months:

  • Improve forest health.
  • Protect against wildfires.
  • Provide and improve wildlife habitat.
  • Generate income from harvesting timber and non-timber products.
  • Restore native habitats.
  • Control invasive species.
  • Maintain and develop trails for hiking.
  • Improve fish habitat.

It is important to note that not all woodland management activities are appropriate during the summer months.

Cutting or limbing trees to protect against wildfire is best done when temperatures are cooler. This will decrease the chances of losing trees to bark beetles. It is best to do this in the fall. Reforesting is best done in the spring when it is cool and wet.

Weed management is also dependent on the time of year and species. If you are hoping to tackle a nasty patch of Scotch broom, plan to do it early in the summer before it goes to seed. But spraying too late in the summer could reduce the effectiveness of the herbicide.

The more organized and prepared you are, the more successful you will be. Your land management plan can help build this success.

A land management plan can be as big or as small as you need it to be. This process can sometimes feel discouraging. Just remember that it is your plan. It should be a fun tool to help guide you through your journey as a woodland owner.

Here are a few resources to help you get started. And remember, if you need more support, you can always contact your local Extension forester.

Useful resources from the OSU library:

Previously titled
Woodland management through the seasons

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