Photo: Joe Klein (Cropped from original)

Stipends, reimbursements and credits

For most educator professional development events hosted or sponsored by the OSU Extension Service Outdoor School program, we offer stipends, substitute reimbursements and Professional Development Units (PDUs)/Continuing Education Units (CEUs) to workshop participants.

At the end of or after the event(s) you attend, you will receive an online form where you can request stipends, substitute reimbursements, and/or PDU/CEU certificates. Educators have 14 days after the session (or the final session in a series) to complete the form. After you complete the form, a member of our team will confirm your eligibility and will contact you directly to process your request. All payments will be made through OSU's online payment system, which requires registration.

See below for details about the certificates and for eligibility criteria for stipends and reimbursements.

PDU / CEU certificate details

Stipend eligibility

Substitute reimbursements eligibility and conditions

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