I'm a technologist and educator at heart with over 40 years of experience and a passion for helping people learn how to use technology to improve their work, connect with new audiences online and improve their lives.
As Broadband and Digital Technologies Adoption Coordinator at Oregon State University, I engage with communities and organizations across Oregon to help them access and use broadband and digital technologies safely and responsibly for education, telemedicine, workforce and economic development. This includes promoting and educating on topics such as digital equity, digital literacy, safe computing/cybersecurity, and digital technologies adoption.
I currently chair and lead the Oregon Broadband Equity Coalition. OBEC is a statewide coalition of people and organizations working on bridging the digital divide in Oregon.
I'm also known as DroneSinger - the "Weird Al" of drones, world's #1 composer of parody songs about drones. I leverage this fame to do K-12 STEAM outreach, engagement and education. I use drones, robots, AI, music, humor, puppets, poetry and storytelling to reach under-served/under-represented youth and spark their interest in STEAM education and STEM career pathways.
Skills and Experience
- Education
- Digital Technologies
- Tech Support & Training
- Workforce Developing
- Professional Networking
- Customer Service
- Social Media
- Personal Branding
- Communications & Marketing
- Virtual Collaboration
- Digital Media Production
- Non-Profit & Small Business
- Experiential Learning
- UAS - Unmanned Aircraft Systems (drones)
Association Memberships / Positions
- Oregon Broadband Equity Coalition – Chair
- Oregon STEM – current board member
- Mid-Valley STEM/CTE Hub – current board member
- OSU Professional Faculty Leadership Association (PFLA) – current member, (former: board member, Marketing Director, Social Media, Webmaster)
- OSUEA (Oregon State University Extension Association) – current member, Website Committee
- Epsilon Sigma Phi, Gamma Chapter (ESP) – current member, Marketing Committee
- NACDEP (National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals) – current member, Communications Committee (CommComm)
- Technology Association of Oregon (TAO) – current member through OSU
- Association of Communications Excellence (ACE) – former member, (former Instructional Design & Information Technology Learning Community Co-Chair, past Professional Development Director)
Advisory Committees
- Salem/Keizer CTEC
- Aviation program industry advisor
- Willamette Career Academy
- IT / Computer Science program industry advisor
- Alternative / Non-traditional / Informal Education
- Experiential & Life-long Learning
- Professional / Workforce Development
- Leadership
- Future Work
- Creativity & Innovation
- The Arts
- Edutainment via Music, Comedy, Puppetry/Ventriloquism, Poetry and Storytelling
- Aeronautics and Aviation
- Drones, Robotics & Cutting Edge Technologies
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
- Outreach & Engagement