Be Ready, Be Set, Go! (Recorded)

Wildfire evacuations are becoming a reality that individuals and communities throughout Oregon are face each fire season. Want to learn how you can prepare for evacuation from a wildfire? In this webinar we hear from fire and emergency managers in Oregon about what you and your community can do to be the most prepared to evacuate from a wildfire. We will talk about where to get updates and information on wildfire evacuation, how to create a 72-hour bag, and what to consider when creating an evacuation plan including contingencies for children, the elderly, pets, and livestock.

Originally aired on April 28, 2021

Presenters: Patence Winingham (Lane County); Charles Hanley (Jackson County, Fire District 5); Alison Green (OSFM)


Preparedness Publications, Office of Emergency Management

YouTube video on practicing your evacuation plan

Washington Post: 12 hours inside Oregon’s Almeda Fire

New York Times: How an Oregon Wildfire Became one of the Most Destructive

Oregon State Evacuation Levels (Spanish)

Before Wildfire Strikes! Oregon State University publication

Ready for Wildfire (includes 6 P’s for what to take with you during an evacuation)

Call to Action:

Just starting out? Build your 72-hour bag and make a print out of Evacuation levels. Know where to find the latest information on wildfires in your area. Identify evacuation routes for you and your family.

If you are further along and have already taken some action in your community to be Fire Prepared – Develop a comprehensive evacuation plan, including information on contingencies for children and elderly members of your family, and pets and livestock. Practice that plan.

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