High Speed Hand Washing training for teachers and nurses


So, I'm Gwen Crum with WVU Extension Service in Wood County, and this is a video demonstrating high-speed hand washing, which could be used in large groups or in a classroom. It is an adaptation from something I learned from our friends at Kansas State University. This video is going to demonstrate how high-speed hand washing would look using social distancing and having the students or the adults masked.

The idea behind high-speed hand washing is that if you have a group of five or more students, I would say you wouldn't want more than ten. If you have more than ten, you would break them down into smaller groups. The first person is going to get in line, they're going to wet their hands, kind of shake the excess water off their hands, and then get one squirt of soap. They're going to start rubbing their hands and then step away from the sink and go to the back of that line. The next person goes through, and so the idea is that while you're waiting in line, you will be scrubbing your hands, which gives you that full 20 seconds or more of washing because we're often tempted to not scrub for that whole 20 seconds, or we don't have time to let each person in line scrub for that 20 seconds. So, then they have the opportunity to do that because they're waiting in line, but it just kind of keeps the line moving and keeps the process going faster.

When that first person gets back to the front of the line, then they will use that opportunity to rinse their hands, get a towel, and dry or use an air dryer or whatever is accessible to the group.

Teachers and nurses can train classrooms of students using the tips from this video from West Virginia University Extension Service.

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