Become a Volunteer
To become an OSU Master Gardener, a volunteer completes the training program, passes an open book examination, and volunteers a specific number of hours providing information and assistance in the areas of gardening and home horticulture. Volunteer activities include answering questions about home horticulture at the OSU Extension office, staffing booths at local fairs and farmers markets, working in the demonstration garden, teaching classes and participating in community landscaping projects. Certification as a Master Gardener™ is valid for one year and recertification is encouraged.
The OSU Master Gardener™ (MG) program is for people who want to learn more about horticulture and enjoy volunteering time to extend gardening information to others. Master Gardeners receive horticultural training and serve as volunteer staff members of Oregon State University Extension Service, meeting the gardening needs of our communities. In a variety of roles, Master Gardener volunteers become teachers and communicators of home horticulture information.