
Welcome to living on the land, an award-winning source of useful information for Eastern Oregon Country living, brought to you by your Oregon State University Extension Service. Spring is just around the corner and that means fresh green pastures for your animals. But how you manage your pasture in the spring can make a big difference in the growth and health of both your pasture and your animals. Here are a few tips to keep your pastors healthy and productive. Timing is everything. Wait to turn your animals out until the soil is firmed up and plants have enough new growth. Animals turned out too early in the spring. Will compact the soft soil and damage plants. Their hooves will trample and cut fragile grass shoots and roots. This invites both erosion and weed invasion, which shortens your pasture's lifespan significantly when turned out too early, animals will pull grass out by its roots, killing the plants. Always do the pull test to decide if it's safe or turn out. Grab a handful of grass and tug if you can pull it out by the roots. Soak in grazing animals. And remember, it's not just the pasture that gets damaged. Horses can founder when the Gray is grass too much or too early in the spring. Good planning and little patience before spring turnout will reap long term rewards, you'll reduce invasive weeds and save money otherwise spent on hay. You'll see improved health, good growth and a longer life for your pasture. And most importantly, that means you'll keep your animals healthy. And safe. For more information on pasture and livestock management, contact your local extension agent soil and Water Conservation district or State Department of Agriculture. Technical and financial assistance is available for livestock owners wishing to address resource concerns on their property.

This podcast is part of the Living on the Land series. It provides concise information on essential management practices for maintaining a high-quality, productive pasture and healthy livestock. Primarily directed to eastern Oregon small acreage landowners.

This is from the Living on the Land series. Download the related PDF - Living on the Land: Spring Pasture Essentials or watch the related video - Living on the Land: Spring Pasture Safety Check.

Listen to the three-part podcast episodes:

  1. Spring pasture essentials - part 1
  2. Spring pasture essentials - part 2
  3. Spring pasture essentials - part 3

The phrase “Living on The Land” is used with permission from Living on The Land Stewardship for Small Acreage, © 2008, UNCE/WSARE.

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