Contact & Collaborators
Making Small Farm School a reality each year is a collaborative effort. All of the following organizations play integral parts in our planning committee.
OSU has extension programs focused on supporting small farms all around the state.
The Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District works in cooperation with private landowners to conserve natural resources today and for future generations.
Rogue Farm Corps trains and equips the next generation of farmers and ranchers through hands-on educational programs and the preservation of farmland.
Friends of Family Farmers works daily to promote and protect socially and ecologically responsible agriculture in Oregon.
Zenger Farm is a nonprofit urban and organic farm that models, promotes and educates about sustainable food systems, environmental stewardship, community development and access to good food for all.
Black Food Sovereignty Coalition serves as a collaboration hub for Black and Brown communities to confront the systemic barriers that make food, place and economic opportunities inaccessible to us.
Clackamas Community College's Horticulture Department offers four areas of plant study that can get you out of the office and in contact with nature. They also host this event!
The US Department of Agriculture has many programs within their local service centers, including the Natural Resource Conservation Service and Farm Service Agency.
For questions regarding Small Farm School or accessibility inquiries, please contact Talia Levy at [email protected]
If you would like access to any of the scholarships available for Small Farm School, email [email protected]