How can I prepare for a tsunami?


Thank you for your question! Anyone living near or visiting the Oregon Coast should have knowledge of what to do in the event of a tsunami.

How to prepare for a tsunami

Assemble a kit of emergency supplies

It is advised that you keep emergency supplies in your car, in your home, and in your workplace. The following resource has everything you need to know about making an emergency kit: Survival Basics: Emergency Kits, OSU Extension.

Plan a route to get to high ground as fast as possible

Experts believe there is only a 10 to 20-minute window between the earthquake and the arrival of the first tsunami wave. Therefore knowing the fastest way to get to high ground and the predetermined tsunami evacuation routes is imperative.

According to Felicia Olmeta Schult, Oregon Sea Grant Extension Coastal Hazards Specialist, the DOGAMI Oregon Tsunami Clearinghouse website is a great place to get tsunami preparedness and response information, such as the Tsunami Evacuation Zone Online Viewer and App.

Make a plan of where to reunite with loved ones

A large earthquake could result in power outages and a loss of cell service, so planning ahead is critical.

Learn more from these resources

Complete the OSU Extension’s award-winning free, self-guided online training program: "Preparing for the Cascadia Subduction Zone Event".

Explore more about coastal hazards on the Oregon Sea Grant website.

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