When can I open my windows?


It's so tempting to throw open the windows and breathe the freshly washed air. Here's the (potential) problem - a lot of the stuff we are worried about we can't see. So even though the air may look, and smell, clean, it might not be. I recommend the AirNow website run by the Environmental Protection Agency. You can search by City or zipcode, and find the air quality index (AQI) for your location. Most weather apps also use the air quality index, so if you have a different app or website you prefer, you can use that as well.

For example, I just went to AirNow.gov and typed in my zipcode. A meter will pop up, and give you the air quality reading for you location. For my location, I am in the green (good) level. If you are in the green (good) or yellow (moderate) levels, I absolutely recommend opening your windows and letting that clean air flush out your home. Once you go past the yellow level though, you will want to return to your filtered air system. I would keep checking the AirNow.gov site, as the smoke may, unfortunately, return. I am so grateful for this brief reprieve thanks to the rain!

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