Mentors and Instructors
Our Mentors
The OMB mentor exposes students to beekeeping by demonstrating appropriate behavior and providing hands on instruction when working bees. The mentor supports the student’s acquisition of basic field competency by means of the 4 program field worksheets.
Mentors are required to take our comprehensive online Mentor Training Course. This course is the result of certified Master Beekeeper Zip Krummel's efforts. His work on this Master outreach project created the foundation and structure for this course.
Basic Qualifications
- Certification as an OMB Apprentice
- 3 or more years current beekeeping experience
- Completion of online mentor training course
- Ability to provide student with program content in an unbiased manner
- Willingness to research questions/inquiries when answer is not known
- Willingness to meet with your student(s) at least four times to sign their Field Experience Worksheets
- Willingness to be proactive communicating with students and program administration
Note: Serving as an OMB Mentor earns 5 points per student per year toward those required for Journey or Master Certification.
Thank you, mentors, for volunteering your time and expertise. The quality of our program is a direct reflection of your efforts.
Becoming a Mentor
You’ve been keeping bees for a while now and have gained confidence in your ability to manage colonies. You’ve experienced various scenarios that continue to build and challenge your diagnostic skills. You remember the thrill of getting your first hive and working with the colony.
Perhaps now you would like to help someone else share these experiences! Becoming a mentor for the Oregon Master Beekeeper program is a great way to do this. Matching students and mentors at the Apprentice level make our program unique, and we welcome additions to our cadre of volunteer mentors throughout the state and in our Boise and Pierce County, WA branches. Contact [email protected] for information.
Our Instructors
An OMB instructor is responsible for supporting the classroom portion of the Apprentice certification program.
Basic Qualifications
- Certification as an OMB Apprentice
- 3 or more years current beekeeping experience
- Ability to provide students with program content in an unbiased manner
- Demonstrable comfort level when speaking in front of a group
- Demonstrate knowledge of techniques relevant to teaching adult learners in a classroom setting
- Willingness to research questions/inquiries when the answer is not known
- Ability to spend necessary time to prepare for an instruct program material
Note: Serving as an OMB Instructor earns 2 points per hour of instruction toward those required for Journey or Master Certification.