Growing and Belonging Continuing Education Opportunities
"Growing and Belonging" Equity-focused Training Requirements
As part of your annual continuing education requirement, all Oregon State University Extension Service Master Gardener volunteers are required to complete at least 1 designated course from the following "Growing and Belonging" options for 2024:
- OSU Extension’s DEI training for volunteers (4 modules: Introduction, Equity, Inclusivity, and Conclusion)
- Abra Lee’s Culture of Gardening Keynote: ‘The Work is In Our Hands’:
- Gail Langellotto and LeAnn Locher’s Presentation at the National Extension Master Gardener Coordinators Conference: Racial and Social Justice in Extension Master Gardener Programs
- Sammy Ramsey’s Presentation to the Maryland Master Gardeners: Biodiversity and Diversity in Bio: What’s the Point?
- This is Kalapuyan Land Once you follow the link use the passcode: 7*@GxvYh
This state-wide OSU Master Gardener requirement aligns with our commitment to create a welcoming and inclusive program.
The one-hour "Growing and Belonging" requirement can be counted as part of your annual 10-hour designated continuing education requirement.
Report completion of this requirement in the 2024 Volunteer reporting survey that will be sent by email in mid-September 2024.
Each year please complete a "Growing and Belonging" course that is new to you.
Check back as additional opportunities will be added throughout the year.