Southern Oregon Research and Extension Center

Credit: G. Jones (Cropped from original)

The roots in Southern Oregon run deep. The Southern Oregon Experiment Station established in 1911 developed out of necessity for the local farming community in stewardship and cultivation of the land. These efforts for a sustainable environment with ecological harmony allowed the farming industry to thrive. This entity flourished when it merged with the Jackson County Extension Service in 1994 transforming into a community partner based in land steward research and development towards a more sustainable future we now know as Southern Oregon Research & Extension Center (SOREC).

Collectively, our work helps thousands of Jackson County residents find answers and solve problems every year. We do this by providing reliable, research-based knowledge and education that Southern Oregonians can apply to their daily lives through strengthening our local economy, sustaining its natural resources, and building healthy communities, families, and individuals.

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Mon - Fri: 8:00 am-5:00 pm

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Photo by Tiffany Woods (Cropped from original)

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