High Speed Hand Washing: How Groups can Wash Hands Better, Faster Training Video


Did you know on average we’re exposed to thousands of germs every 30 minutes? So, are your kids washing their hands properly to protect them from those harmful germs or bacteria? Probably not. Research has shown that about 90% of adults don’t wash their hands adequately, so it’s a good bet kiddos aren’t either. In this video, I’ll show you a group technique to wash hands better with less time and less water. However, since this is a group technique, I’m going to need more kiddos. Should we break out the clones? Yeah, yeah. We’ll start with this glow germ lotion which simulates the presence of germs. So, we’ll rub it in, make sure our hands are covered. And then under the black light, you can see all the germs on our hands. Now with the high-speed hand washing technique and some practice, groups of 20 to 30 adults, and preschoolers, can get their hands washed in five minutes or less. To get started, wet your hands, then shake off the water. Then squirt soap into your hands. Then walk to the end of the line, staying six feet away from others. And as you do, scrub your hands, making sure you get the thumbs and nail beds, in between your fingers, and your wrists as well. And as you continue to scrub and rub, the next person goes to the sink, they get their hands wet, they shake off the excess, and they get a squirt of soap and they go back to the end of the line and the process continues. The next person comes up, they get a squirt of soap, and they walk out scrubbing and rubbing as they do. Then when you get back to the sink, rinse well, washing off all the soap that you’ve been scrubbing this entire time. Use a clean paper towel to dry your hands, then throw it in the trash, and now just a few minutes later, under the same black light, we can see the original dirty hands compared to our now clean hands, showing how effective this high-speed handwashing technique can be.

This training video from Oregon State University Extension shows educators including preschool teachers, childcare providers and family learning pod leaders how children can wash hands better, longer.

Use the High Speed Hand Washing Learning Tips for Early Childhood in COVID-19 fact sheet (above) to guide young learners through this process using this video and High Speed Hand Washing youth mini-posters (above) to teach this technique to young learners. Head start teachers report that young children can learn High Speed Hand Washing; it just takes two weeks of guided practice.

Video Description: High Speed Hand Washing is a method for groups of five to 25 to clean hands properly in five minutes or less! The black light and glow-in-the-dark lotion are optional. This activity is included to show the benefits of High Speed Hand Washing.

CC and Spanish: Hover cursor over the video for lower right tool bar to appear. Choose CC for English closed caption text version. Choose the gear tool, then Spanish to change CC text to Spanish.

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