Photo by Lynn Ketchum (Cropped from original)

Willamette Women's Farmer Network

Willamette Women's Farm Network (WWFN) for central and southern Willamette Valley

Mission Statement

We are a community of women from central and southern Willamette Valley of Oregon, that are actively engaged in farm and ranch activities. We join together to further our knowledge of farm and ranch related issues both in the market place and in agricultural practices. We are working together to enhance our economic self-sufficiency through shared experience, resources, and visions of how our farm work will impact ourselves and our community. We will provide each member a safe, supportive environment and opportunity to learn safety and lawful practices regarding farming/ranching that promotes responsibility, profitability and conservation of the land.

The WWFN formed in November 2008 and has grown to 170 women farmers and friends.  They keep in touch through an e-mail list-serve that is used to ask questions, seek advice, give information and plan gatherings.  Women from the group gather for hands-on learning, farm walks, knowledge sharing, and socializing periodically.

To join the WWFN or for more information, contact the coordinator, Teagan Moran: [email protected] 

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