Photo: OSU Ext 4-H (Cropped from original)

4-H Enrollment (Club, Leader, and Member)

Enrollment forms and resources for Clubs, Leaders, and Members. (New enrollment deadline for Clubs & Leaders and updated fees for Members)

** Find a list of 4-H Clubs currently open and accepting new members.

  • Please check back often as this list will be updated regularly with new clubs as they re-enroll for the 2023-24 4-H year.

4-H Annual Calendar of Important Dates, Deadlines, and Events

  • December 31st - Club and Leader Enrollment Deadline
  • February 1st - Member Enrollment Late Fee Added ($5)
  • March 1st - Member Market Steer Enrollment & Possession Deadline
  • April 1st - Member Market Lamb Enrollment & Possession Deadline
  • May 1st - Member Enrollment Deadline for ALL PROJECTS (including possession of Market Swine and Meat Goats)

**Payment cannot be done through 4-HOnline (click "pay by check" no matter how payment will be made.) Online payment is through a separate Payment Store (see the PAYMENT Instructions and Links button)

Credit Canva (Cropped from original)

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