Photo by Lynn Ketchum (Cropped from original)

Forestry and Natural Resources

Out there for Oregon’s forests. Here for Oregonians.

Forests and the diverse natural resources associated with them are an important part of southwest Oregon’s landscape, heritage, economy, and way of life. Did you know that our local forests are among the most species-rich in North America?

As your local Forestry and Natural Resources Extension agent, my job is to utilize the latest research and innovations from Oregon State University and other institutions to provide science-based education and expertise. Whether you are interested in better managing your land, growing your forest-based business, or are an aspiring naturalist, I am here to point you in the right direction.

Below are several ways you can learn from, and get involved with our Forestry and Natural Resources Program.

Photo by Lynn Ketchum (Cropped from original)

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Meet our experts

Chris Adlam
Regional Fire Specialist, Southwest Region
Forestry and Natural Resources Program Coordinator

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