Wildfire is not just a concern for people in the mountains and forests. In rural and urban areas alike, we are experiencing fire events and smoke. Wildfire is a fact of life for people living in Oregon. But it isn’t all bad news. The future of our families, homes and communities confronting larger and more intense wildfires is in our hands. We can prepare for wildfire with simple actions and build our resilience to deal with potentially negative consequences.
Here’s how.
Before a wildfire ever comes, we can become informed about evacuation levels; make an evacuation plan; create an emergency supply kit; and learn where to get information and resources. We can remove plants and materials that burn easily around our homes and businesses. We can make it difficult for embers from a wildfire to collect and ignite on or near our home. When the fire comes, we can know how to protect ourselves from smoke and maintain our mental health.This short, simple booklet is designed to give you ideas on preparation and planning that you can do right now. It contains helpful tips, information and resources. Reach out to local organizations and your community for help when needed.We aren’t helpless. We can make our communities more resilient.
It starts here.