Cindy Brown

4-H/FCH-SNAP Program Coordinator

Contact me for questions on 4-H youth development and healthy living programming in Sherman County as well as healthy living topics such as MyPlate, gardening, food preservation and food storage!

Expertise: Home food preservation , Home food safety and storage , Nutrition and healthy eating , Garden vegetables and herbs , Gardening techniques , Family emergency preparedness , Healthy aging , Physical activity , Youth education resources

Programs: Sherman County 4-H , Nutrition Education and Outreach Programs (SNAP-Ed)

Locations: Sherman County


Cindy Brown has been joyfully serving Sherman County since 2011 when she started working for Extension in 4-H youth development and healthy living. A former 4-H member, she finds it a wonderful opportunity to be part of the Sherman 4-H program as an adult. Her personal hobbies and interests tie in with her Extension work....vegetable gardening, home fruit production, food preservation, food storage, emergency preparedness, nutrition and healthy living, strength training, and more.

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