Get Involved
Kids and teens ages 9 to 19 are welcome to learn with 4-H through our many program offerings!
What can I do in 4-H?
4-H offers clubs, skills and knowledge workshops, summer camps and day camps, community service, County Fair and State Fair competitions, leadership trips, scholarships, pre-college experiences and more.
The best way to join Jackson County 4-H is by finding a club or starting one yourself! Use our club directory to find a club in your area, or get 5 friends and 2 adults together to start your own club.
Leadership opportunities available to 4-H'ers ages 13 and up include:
- Oregon 4-H Ambassadors
- Camp Counselors / Cabin Leaders
- Youth Voices in Action (meet your Oregon legislators)
- National 4-H Congress (civic engagement), National 4-H Conference, or Ignite!
- International Exchange: Spend a summer or year abroad with other kids your age