Record Keeping

Completing a Record Book is a great way to learn more about your project and capture all the amazing things you've done during the year. By keeping records, you will also have an advantage when applying for awards, special trips, scholarships, and 4-H leadership positions.

Start with taking a look at our Record Book Handbook. This is a very informative document to help you complete your book. Every Record Book includes the 4-H Resume, 4-H Story, Project Records and a picture page. Start it with your first year in regular 4-H (age 9) and add to it each year. You can choose to use the Word format, the Fillable PDF format, or print it out and write your entries.


The Record Book Contest is an opportunity for members to show off their excellent record-keeping of the past 4-H year. Youth submit a binder that contains a Application sheet, 4-H story, 4-H resume, 4-H project record(s), and photo page. It is free and youth are eligible to win prizes.


Record books are due to the Extension office on October 1st, or the first day in October the Extension office is open. No pre-registration necessary. This occurs every year so members have time to complete their record books after the County and State Fairs. Use the record book handbook as a guide for compiling materials.

4-H Record Book Workshop, September 5, 2020


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